Dear friends of music where hardly anything happens, BOHREN & DER CLUB OF GORE is happy and proud, to announce their new album. You may have already given up hope, but miracles happen: PATCHOULI BLUE - instrumental, slow, uneventful - as always. Love it, hate it, listen to it.
Release Date: January 24th, 2020
Format: CD (IPC-218LP / IPM-218)
1. Total Falsch
2. Verwirrung am Strand
3. Glaub mir kein Wort
4. Patchouli Blue
5. Deine Kusine
6. Vergessen & Vorbei
7. Solle es doch Alle wissen
8. Tief gesunken
9. Zwei Herze aus Gold
10. Sag mirwei lang
11. Meine Welt st schon